3.1. User Account Initialization

When you first access the SimpleELN web application, you will automatically be redirected to the account initialization page where a user account with full privileges for SimpleELN management will be created.

3.1.1. User Account Initialization for Personal Edition

  1. Open the homepage.

    • Option 1: Start the SimpleELN desktop application.

    • Option 2: Start the SimpleELN web server, and navigate to the URL http://<host_ip>:<port> using a web browser, making sure to replace <host_ip> with the IP address of your server host machine and <port> with the designated port number. For example, replace the <port> with the server.port number specified in the application.properties file, the default is 32780.

  2. From the top navigation panel, click on Sign In to be redirected to the account initialization page.

  3. Complete and submit the form.

  4. One Team User (Group User) account will be created when the form is submitted.


Personal Edition Account Initialization

3.1.2. User Account Initialization for Team Edition

  1. Open the homepage.

    • Start the SimpleELN web server.

    • Navigate to the URL http://<host_ip>:<port> using a web browser, making sure to replace <host_ip> with the IP address of your server host machine and <port> with the designated port number. For example, replace the <port> with the server.port number specified in the application.properties file, the default is 32780.

    • The default is: http://localhost:32780

  2. From the top navigation panel, click on Sign In to be redirected to the account initialization page.

  3. Complete and submit the form.

  4. One Team Admin (Group Admin) account will be created when the form is submitted.


Team Edition Initialization

3.1.3. User Account Initialization for MultiTeam Edition

  1. Open the homepage.

    • Start the SimpleELN web server.

    • Navigate to the URL http://<host_ip>:<port> using a web browser, making sure to replace <host_ip> with the IP address of your server host machine and <port> with the designated port number. For example, replace the <port> with the server.port number specified in the application.properties file, the default is 32780.

    • The default is: http://localhost:32780

  2. From the top navigation panel, click on Sign In to be redirected to the account initialization page.

  3. Complete and submit the form.

  4. One Super User account will be created when the form is submitted.


MultiTeam Edition Initialization